Monitoring visualisation: the ability to see what’s changed in Orbis data
We’ve made it easier to see what changed when Moody’s Orbis monitoring updates one of your company profiles. This improvement helps you quickly take action on company data tasks that are placed back in review by our monitoring system.
When using the Moody’s Orbis integration with monitoring, company profiles are placed back into the Review status when there are certain updates to the Orbis data. All of the company data tasks are expired and new versions of the tasks are created. These profiles may require manual completion and will appear in the list of profiles needing attention.
Read more about monitoring on our help site.
Customers told us that finding out which data points caused a profile to be placed back into review was difficult and time-consuming.
What’s changed
When you open a task that needs manual intervention, you’ll see a banner indicating a monitoring update.
You can use the view updates button to see the last ten updates to the monitored task, including information about which data points changed and the old and new values.
If you open one of the expired tasks, you will see a banner inviting you to view the newer version of the task.
Get started
This update will be available to all users of the latest Moody’s Orbis integration upon release. You will see it in the portal soon. If you have any questions, visit our help site or get in touch with our Client Service team.