Overview page for company profiles
Maxsight customers can now view the newly designed Overview page for company profiles. The new Overview page summarizes the data and risk insights commonly accessed by users on the Profile management tab.
How to access the page
When you are viewing a company’s profile page, a banner appears at the top alerting you to the new Overview page. Choose the Go to the new Overview page link or disregard the message and continue viewing the current profile data.
What is included on the new Overview page?
The snapshot provided by the Overview page contains widgets that summarize identifying data, application status, and key risk drivers for a single entity. This snapshot unifies available datasets into one view, so that the user can review entity data and risk information all from this page.
We have prioritized the following data for this Overview page release:
- Profile information (including up to 9 custom fields)
- Application risk scores
- Application tasks
- Ownership information
- Financials, when the Assess financials task is added
- Recent activity